Many of the breaches we have seen over the past fiveyears could have been reduced or removed if companies had considered thefollowing questions; Firstly, is there a clear legal basis upon which toprocess this personal data? Secondly, is the processing in accordance with theprinciples of the GDPR? Set the tone from the top All businesses take theirlead from those in senior management. The board and executive team must be seento openly support and advocate, through words and actions, for a strong dataprivacy culture throughout the organization. Put in place detailed records andprocesses Accountability is one of the overarching principles of the GDPR.
Article of the Regulation requires accurate record keeping as part of aneffective privacy culture. Companies also accrue C Level Executive List significant productivity andefficiency benefits from having clear processes in place, in advance, foraspects such as subject access requests and data breach reporting. Understandthe higher compliance requirements for children’s and special category dataMarketers need to be mindful of the additional compliance requirements when itcomes to the data of minors, and also a range of special category dataidentified under GDPR. Conclusion Data protection has evolved rapidly in recentyears. The introduction of the GDPR in has generated increased consumerawareness and higher penalties for non-compliant businesses. It has also beenthe catalyst for a wave of similar legislation internationally in countriessuch as China, Singapore, and South Africa. This pace of change, and theincreased complexity that comes with it, means it is crucial for marketers andtheir businesses to establish an effective data protection culture.

AI only strengthen this requirement. Byfocusing on getting the basics right, with regular training on the core aspectsof the Regulation, clear processes and record keeping, and support from the topof the organization, marketers and their teams are well placed to ensure theyremain compliant. Notes * The EU’s adequacy decision, agreed in , essentiallystates that the UK operates a similar data protection environment to that ofthe EU. The decision is to be reviewed after four years and could bejeopardised if the UK is deemed to have deviated from the level of dataprotection currently in place. ** Recital , GDPR *** When incorporated into acontract, SCCs can provide compliance with GDPR data transfer obligations. ****The Data Protection and Digital Information No. Bill. RELATED An Overviewof Data Privacy for